Once logged in, click the maintenance link at the top of the screen. If you live in an on-campus apartment, you can toggle between requests for your bedroom and the common areas of your apartment.
To submit a new request, click "new request". Select the category and item that needs to be repaired. Provide a description of the item that needs to be repaired, including specific information about the location of the item as appropriate. If appropriate, you can also include information about the cause of the issue. You must check the box authorizing Housing & Residence Life staff to enter your room to make the repair.
Click "Save & Continue" at the bottom of the screen to submit your maintenance request. You can monitor the status of the request via the housing portal.
Authorized University personnel must complete repairs in order to comply with building codes and construction standards. Students are not authorized to attempt repairs themselves. If they do so, the work will be redone, and the students will be charged for the cost of the repair plus the cost of the correction.
For common area maintenance or emergency maintenance (water, apartment toilets, locks), please stop by, or call the Housing Information Desk.